with Love

Michael Latt was a passionate social justice leader. He harnessed art, storytelling and advocacy to create numerous nationwide impact initiatives to bring love, hope and healing to support underrepresented communities.

The Michael Latt Legacy Fund

The Michael Latt Legacy Fund was established to continue the work and impact of the late Michael Latt.

Tribute Video by Max Joseph and Tanya Selvaratnam


The moment I realized that I could use my skill set for social good, I decided to dedicate the rest of my career to helping others, empowering storytellers of color, and fighting injustice wherever it stands.”

–Michael Latt


The short documentary features Andrew Young and the late Jerry West talking about the connection between basketball and civil rights.
Beginning January 23 through February 2, festival attendees can catch 57 short films from 28 countries and territories — including live action, animated, and nonfiction documentary titles.
The Michael Latt Legacy Fund, which launched earlier this year to honor and continue the social justice advocacy work of Michael Latt, has announced a series of grants, scholarships and educational programming to support nonprofit organizations and artists whose work leverages storytelling as a vehicle for social transformation.
As a tribute to Michael Latt, New Media Ventures Summit held their first ever short film competition providing awards to three ground-breaking filmmakers.
Glenn Kaino, born, raised, and still residing in LA, is an artist who consistently believes in the forward momentum that art can possess to build community and create change in the world. 
‍FFCON2024 featured a series of programs, interactive events, art installations, performances, and spaces for collective joy, grief, and healing. To open the Saturday session, the Congress paid tribute to the beloved and much missed Michael Latt.
